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The Ragdoll is a great house pet.
The life span of a Ragdoll is 15 to 25 years.
The male is called a tom and the female is called a queen.
The Ragdoll is not single it is found in a group called a clutter.

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3rd grade refletions

The thing I learned was multipying in math class.
The thing I struggled with was dividing.
The thing that suprised me was being the queen of the jungle.
The thing that was disapointing was getting a mark.

My Animal Story

First there was me “Tassie” then there’s Callie my owner didn’t pay attention to me and Callie. All she did was her homework, play, and watch TV. One day Lyndsey went to Kaylee’s house, and she noticed their bearded dragon. Lyndsey went home. Then she asked her parents if she could get a bearded dragon. They soon told Lyndsey she could get a bearded dragon. The next day Lyndsey came in with a box. She opened it, and there was a real live lizard in there! I thought they were kidding, but it turns out they weren’t. She named him Buddy. I don’t care about Buddy. Callie’s the opposite she tried to eat him! That’s just gross eating a lizard. That’s disgusting! A few months passed by as soon as he got a good feeling living here, Lyndsey went to brush her hair and she left Buddy on the bed! Callie saw Buddy then jumped on the bed and Callie clawed him. Lyndsey ran back in her room then she tossed Callie off the bed and got Buddy. He wasn’t hurt but it scared Lyndsey. Now I’m starting to like Buddy more.